


Partnership Options


Display our QR code to promote tripp as a transit option. No cost to you.


Subsidize part of the customer’s tripp fare. Enhance their experience with your business.


Fully cover tripp rides for your customers, offering them a premium service for free.

See how our partnership with Snow College has been beneficial to their international students.

International students travel thousands of miles to study.

We help them go the extra mile on custom "tripps" around Utah

Institutional Benefits

When students have access to great tripps in addition to their academics, it enriches their student experience while at your institution.

One of the most powerful student recruitment methods (if not THE most powerful) is the student-to-student recruitment through designated or organic ambassadors for your institutions.

How do you make an ambassador? Give them tripps to talk about while they are at your institution!

Everyone looks at the reviews.

And the best reviews come from customers (or students in your case) who were delighted by the experience. So give them a delightful tripp to review!

Student Benefits

Students live their lives surrounded by deadlines.

Having a tripp to look forward to is not only beneficial for their experience, but for their mental health.

In a world where people meet over the internet, students may struggle to make in-person connections.

A tripp with new people may be just what they need to break the ice!

No one wants to look back on their days at college with regret.

Taking tripps creates an environment where lifelong memories are made!